Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Another Year Another Christmas

It's hard to believe that another year has come and gone.
It is time for the Christmas Party at the home where my husband is a resident.

It is a big event at the home. The choir has practiced, along with the Bell choir and the
rhythm band. I help get everyone situated in their proper places. I place my husband in the last row against the wall. He is now in a broda chair. His only method of movement is now with a lift. We more than likely will not get any eye contact. However one never knows when Lewy will let him have a moment of himself. And sure enough for just a brief moment he lifted his head and endeavored to sing,making movement with his lips. Then he was gone again. That's just like Lewy, unfortunately he is in control.

Most of the time it seems to take awhile for him to recognize me but who really knows. The other day I was teasing him about not giving me eye contact. " Look at me, it's your wife, Ruth."  "Are you mad at me, then of course you have no reason to be mad at me, right." He responded,"precisely."So I endeavor to carry on a one sided conversation as if it is normal, and really when you come to think of it, it is the 'new normal.'