Tuesday, 13 October 2015


It has been a very emotional week.
Our Son flies into Edmonton, Alberta from Phoenix, Az. every Thanksgiving weekend to visit his dad.
Lewy is beginning to take up more and more of Steve's time. For the first two hours of the visit, he came and went like a revolving door. It was this way for most of the weekend.
Jeff was flying into Edmonton and out of Calgary in order to get a quick visit with his  sister and brother-in-law who live in Okotoks. Our plan was to spend a couple of hours before heading south. I finished feeding him his breakfast and took him to the lounge. Our son Jeff, talked with him, bringing up good old memories, like where we were when we heard Elvis died. We got an emotional response from that, which gave us some indication that he was with us. Jeff read from the Bible and prayed with him and again there were little rays of responses coming through. Within a few minutes he left with very little sign of returning for awhile, as he seemed to fall into a deep sleep.

I came back today at lunch hour and his responses were very positive. I knew he recognized me and wanted to say something, which I only understand as a mumble.

The Telford singers ( a choir of 40 some voices), were coming to perform later. I fed him his lunch and we went to the lounge for the performance. Steve is very musical, however he has shown very little response to music as of late. Today it was different. He was emotional through every song which also made me a basket case!!

The group sang the song 'I love you to,' by Tom Hall.
It just made life so simple, and full of pleasure at that moment that I want to share it with you:

I love little baby ducks
Old pick-up trucks
Slow moving trains and rain
I love little country streams
Sleep without dreams
Sunday School in May and hay
And I love you too.

I love leaves in the Wind
Pictures of my friends
Birds of the World and Squirrels
I love coffee in a cup
Little fuzzy pups
Bourbon in a glass and grass
And I  love you too.

I love honest open smiles
Kisses from a child
Tomatoes on the vine and onions
I love winner's when they cry
Loser's when they try
Music when it's good and life
And I love you too!

What a beautiful view of life!!

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