Sunday, 31 January 2016


I just read some interesting quotes on WORRY. Interesting enough they were quotes for the most part from the more senior generation.

When you research the word worry from a Gen-Yers perspective, you find  a completely different view of worry. They are concerned about how they are going to pay the bill this month. Why are they with the person they are with, when they know they aren't right for them? What do they want to do with their lives? How can they ever know what they want to do if they are stuck where they are? Do  they spend enough time with their family? Should they YOLO or not YOLO (You only live once). I hope we just didn't get pregnant? Is Monogamy really for us? The world is such a mess, what can I do about it?

The Gen-Yers seem to be a generation that want it all. A society has been created for them that has brought inconsistencies and contradictions. The lines between good and bad have become blurred. What used to be considered as stupidity and vanity is now  held in great esteem in the media.
There seems to be an atmosphere of entitlement. They are entitled to a nice home, car, a job that pays well. They want it all the good and the bad.

With all the good and the bad; anxiety and unhappiness is growing. Depression and suicide is on the rise. Folks of all levels of society are turning to yoga, self-help, headspace, mindfulness, to calm the anxious thoughts. There is also an epidemic of medications being subscribed to people of all ages.

What else can we expect when the media bombards us with a mirage of choices, from diet plans, to toilet tissue. Levi's has 233 types of women's jeans! That is enough to make anyone depressed!

Now let's move from the Gen-Yers to the Silent Generation and the Baby boomers. The greatest worry is money. Will we have enough to retire? Baby boomers are being blamed for being the worst generation. In spite of the fact they were raised by the  greatest generation, those who fought in the World War 11,they somehow parlayed the wealth of the greatest generation into creating  and overweight narcissistic, tuned-out, video game players!!!

Regardless, how you look at life and worry, the following are some facts we need to consider.
-Worrying about the future is a phantom.
-It will empty your strength for today
-Whatever will be will be in spite of our worrying
-Tomorrow promises us nothing so enjoy the flowers
-A day of worry is useless and exhausting

As a caregiver of a husband who is slowly slipping away with the terrible disease of Lewy Body dementia, I quite often drive away from the home worrying about weather he is comfortable.
He is so dependent; can he turn over at night? He has a terrible cold, can he blow his nose?
Can he ask for a drink if he is thirsty? I know the answers. I also know my limitations. I have also learned to trust in a loving God who knows all things. So I put my trust and confidence in him.

Do not worry about your life, what diet you will follow or what beverage you will consume as long as it is healthy for you; or about your body, or which of the 233 style of Levi's you will choose. Life is more important than food and what you wear.
Who of you can add a single hour to your life?
Check out the lilies and the sparrows, see how much they spin and toil to get to where they are.
Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will look after itself. Matt 6:25-34 (Ruth's version )

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