Monday, 20 April 2015

Dealing with Guilt followed by Commitment

After Steve's diagnoses and a better understanding of the disease. The journey of acceptance began to evolve. I say evolve as for us it didn't come over night. Acceptance will often trigger guilt.  Why didn't I understand, why didn't I know?
GUILT is anger directed at ourselves. It's about what we didn't do or should have done.  We want to condemn ourselves.  It can be a good reminder, at times, of our messing up but we must never let the fruit of the tree of good and evil keep us exposed to our misgivings.
COMMITMENT It's an act, not a word, in difficult times and challenging adversity. It is during times of distressing situations that we really learn who the other person is and who we really are ourselves. It is at times like this when we come to love the person for him or herself and not just for the feelings and experience they give us.

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