Tuesday, 14 April 2015

It is 6:25 AM Canada Day July 1 2009
I roll over in bed and feel the urge to go to the bathroom. I hear shuffling in the kitchen and a snap sizzling sound.
It's my husband opening a can of diet coke. Good Lord, a diet coke at 6:30AM!! Then I say to myself, his pleasures are limited so enjoy.

Life has changed considerably for us over the past ten years. Six of those years, going to doctors, specialists, MRI's, Cat scans neurological testing, vague diagnosis such as, white matter disease, TIA's, frontal lobe etc.

Then a phone call came from our neurologist, "Your husband has Lewy Body Dementia." What is that was my response. Life had already made some drastic changes for us as it was.

The long journey entailed many changes, losses, and readjustments. At least now we could research and try and come to some kind of understanding about what was happening to a loved one that is slowly fading away.

The journey has resulted in recording my journal in my book which has just gone to print.' When Troubles Fall Like Lemon Drops.' Encountering Lewy Body Dementia' and rebuilding our lives as a family.

We will continue this journey in my next blog.

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